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AWS IAM Privilege Escalation Labs

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  1. Introduction

    About this course
  2. Real-world case studies
  3. Useful IAM tips and security tools
  4. Introduction to AWS Enumeration
    [LAB] Getting Started with the AWS CLI
  5. [LAB] Introduction to AWS IAM Enumeration
  6. [Cheat Sheet] IAM Enumeration CLI Commands
  7. [LAB] Introduction to Secrets Manager Enumeration
  8. [Cheat Sheet] Secrets Manager Enumeration CLI Commands
  9. [LAB] Introduction to Amazon S3 Enumeration
  10. iam:CreateAccessKey
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:CreateAccessKey PrivEsc
  11. iam:CreateAccessKey Solution
  12. iam:CreateLoginProfile
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:CreateLoginProfile PrivEsc
  13. iam:CreateLoginProfile Solution
  14. iam:UpdateLoginProfile
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:UpdateLoginProfile PrivEsc
  15. iam:UpdateLoginProfile Solution
  16. iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion PrivEsc
  17. iam:SetDefaultPolicyVersion Solution
  18. iam:AddUserToGroup
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:AddUserToGroup PrivEsc
  19. iam:AddUserToGroup Solution
  20. iam:AttachUserPolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:AttachUserPolicy PrivEsc
  21. iam:AttachUserPolicy Solution
  22. iam:AttachGroupPolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:AttachGroupPolicy PrivEsc
  23. iam:AttachGroupPolicy Solution
  24. iam:PutUserPolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:PutUserPolicy PrivEsc
  25. iam:PutUserPolicy Solution
  26. iam:PutGroupPolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:PutGroupPolicy PrivEsc
  27. iam:PutGroupPolicy Solution
  28. iam:AttachRolePolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:AttachRolePolicy PrivEsc
  29. iam:AttachRolePolicy Solution
  30. iam:PutRolePolicy
    [LAB] [CTF] iam:PutRolePolicy PrivEsc
  31. iam:PutRolePolicy Solution
  32. Challenges
    About challenges
  33. Challenge #1 - Secrets Unleashed
  34. Challenge #2 - IAM Escape Room
  35. Conclusion
    What did you think of the course?
  36. What's next?
Lesson 28 of 36
In Progress

[LAB] [CTF] iam:AttachRolePolicy PrivEsc

Christophe December 18, 2023
🧪Hands-On Lab

Scenario 🧪

AWS IAM roles are incredibly useful and powerful, and you can assume them to receive permissions either within your account, or even for cross-account access

You can do that using AssumeRole which returns a set of temporary security credentials that can then be used in a similar way to regular access keys, except they are short-term credentials instead of long-term credentials.

If your IAM user has AssumeRole permissions for a particular role (which is dictated by a role’s trust policy), you can assume that role and whatever permissions it has. If you have that permission plus the iam:AttachRolePolicy permission, then you can update the permissions for that role.

Your lab user is one that has access to perform support functions by assuming roles with AssumeRole, including a role that has access to a non-sensitive S3 bucket containing generic files for an application that you support.

However, this lab has been misconfigured to grant you iam:AttachRolePolicy. Leverage this misconfiguration to give that role additional S3 permissions that allow you to access a bucket containing PII that you were not intended to have access to.

You’ve captured the flag when you’ve successfully downloaded the files contained in that bucket, and submitted the credit card number for ‘Richard Gibson.’


Tip #1: Since there can be a lot of roles in AWS accounts, you can use list-roles --query to filter out unwanted results. To speed things up in this lab, I recommend typing this in (whenever you’re ready to enumerate roles) to surface the role you will be interested in:

aws iam list-roles --query "Roles[?RoleName=='SupportRole']"
Code language: CSS (css)


  • Using the provided Access Key ID and Secret Access Key, configure your AWS CLI profile
  • Using the AWS CLI, identify what permissions your current user has access to and perform general reconnaissance to familiarize yourself with the AWS environment
  • Leverage your iam:AttachRolePolicy permissions to gain access to an Amazon S3 bucket containing sensitive information
  • Download the file in that S3 bucket
  • Submit the credit card number for ‘Richard Gibson’

Real-World Scenario

Can’t help but share this attack case study published by Palo Alto Network’s Unit 42 which unveiled an attack that took place and used the exact technique and privilege escalation path demonstrated by this lab.


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