Build deep AWS cloud security expertise

Access premium video courses, hands-on labs, and more


Billed Monthly
$ 12
99 /month
  • Unlimited access to premium courses
  • Unlimited access to premium ebooks
  • Unlimited access to practice exams
  • Unlimited Hands-On Labs Access


$129 Billed Annually
$ 10
75 /month
  • Everything in the monthly plan
  • Equivalent of 2 months free
  • Unlimited access to all premium training
  • Unlimited Hands-On Labs Access
Best Value


For teams of 2 and up
Contact sales for pricing
  • Unified billing
  • Volume discounts
  • Business-only features

ℹ Prefer to purchase individual courses or ebooks instead? You can still do that

Our Roadmap

You'll automatically get access to all of these updates with your membership

Q1 2024

  • Lessons, 🧪 labs, and quizzes added to the AWS Certified Security Specialty course 
  • Launch of AWS security-related 🧪 Hands-On Labs
  • Launch of Incident Response with AWS CloudTrail and Athena course
  • Launch of Practical Guide to AWS IAM Roles course
  • Launch of Container Security in AWS (ECS / EKS) content including courses and labs
  • More to be announced…

Q2 2024

  • Early Preview launch of Container Security with Kubernetes & GitLab CI/CD course
  • Lessons, 🧪 labs, and quizzes added to the AWS Certified Security Specialty course 
  • Hands-On AWS Incident Response content
  • More AWS security 🧪 Hands-On Labs
  • More to be announced…

Please note that this roadmap is subject to change. If you have any questions or requests, contact us!

Trusted By

Cybr Learners
10000 +
Avg Course Rating
0 +

What learners say about us

"I have to say that these are the most thorough, comprehensive and well-structured courses of study that I have found. Ever. It is rare to find a true subject matter expert who is also a good instructor. And even rarer is it possible to find that combination with a well-structured course of instruction. Such are your courses."
tom Derenthal Cybr Testimonial
Tom Derenthal
Cybersecurity Analyst
"Can confirm this security+ course was amazing! Christophe has a way of explaining concepts that make sense. I highly recommend it 👌"
Melissa Ortiz Cybr testimonial
Melissa Ortiz
Data Center Specialist - Cybersecurity
"That was the absolute coolest thing I have done in a while"
Eric Gimbel
Pentester at Tyler Technologies
"This course is so well made. I'm hooked...binge learning SQL injection attacks"
Kripa R.
Azure DevOps
"Learned about the really useful tools that are out there to strategically incorporate security into web and mobile applications from the very beginning and throughout the SDLC and also how to effectively assess and act on the state of existing applications. I can definitely see myself continuously referring back to these lessons in the future."
Bushra K.
Cybr Learner
"I've got about 3 years in software security with about 23 years in information and DOD security. While I was familiar with XSS I always thought it was a unique and not so dangerous vulnerability. Your course showed me just how damaging XSS could be, and the various ways to assess and mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. I’ll be incorporating your tools and processes in the way I work with teams to evaluate their products."
Matthew H testimonial
Matthew H.
AppSec Engineer
"This course [IAM Privilege Escalation] not only taught me how to think like an attacker, but also how easy it is to escalate privileges if excessive IAM permissions are present in the cloud. I honestly loved it and recommend it 100%!"
Mariana Arce Aguilar testimonial
Mariana Arce Aguilar
Cybersecurity Engineer
"Christophe has done an amazing job sharing and describing the practical use of sqlmap and its necessity in programs like bug bounty etc. This course provides the practical labs for harnessing skills in SQL Injection techniques through sqlmap. Not only the basics but the reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment & vulnerability exploitation phases have been dealt thoroughly. After completing this course my interest towards red teaming has increased a thousand times. I would recommend this amazing course to all red team folks. I am sure that this one is worth your time."
Muhammad Huzaifa testimonial
Muhammad H.
Cybr Learner
"Very good explanations and walkthrough of many of the concepts of XSS. Much better than several other overview courses I've seen."
Robert King Testimonial
Robert King
Cybr Learner
"Absolutely fantastic. THANK YOU"
Adon Delpit testimonial
Adon Delpit
SOC Analyst


For as long as you do not cancel your membership, we will never raise your prices. You’re supporting us in our early days and we grandfather you in as our way of saying thank you.

If you’d like to try before you buy, we recommend signing up for a free account. This will give you access to all of our free content (including multiple courses, Hands-On Labs, and ebooks), and to our free Discord community. If you like what you see, you can always upgrade to our monthly or yearly plans!

Yes, you can cancel at any time by visiting your membership page. We make the cancelation process easy, because that’s how it should be. You will maintain access until the end of your billing cycle. Please note that monthly and yearly memberships auto-renew unless you cancel.

If you sign up for a monthly or yearly membership plan and you decide it’s not for you, reach out for a full refund within 7 days of activation. Please note that this refund is only offered as long as you have not downloaded more than one premium ebook and/or completed more than 50% of one of our premium courses.

Yes, memberships automatically renew at the rate that you joined with. That means for as long as you don’t cancel your membership, we will never raise prices on you! Monthly memberships will renew on the same day each month. Yearly memberships will renew annually.

Absolutely! Please contact us so that we can better understand your goals and provide you with more information. 

Get started learning

Whether you’re just starting out, looking to get certified, or looking to advance your career in cloud security, Cybr helps you build the skills you need.