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Home Page Forums Welcome & Introductions Howdy, folks. My name is Randy

  • Howdy, folks. My name is Randy

    Posted by Randy on May 19, 2021 at 7:58 pm

    Greetings, all. I’m a 51-year-old IT guy with a hobbyists interest in computer security. I worked as a network security specialist 20+ years ago, and then for years did nothing with that knowledge upon getting back into System Administration upon exiting security. Now, decades later, my hobby-level interest in network and Unix/Linux security is making me itch to relearn things and learn new stuff.

    My biggest problem in learning is I still, as an adult, have trouble reigning in my ADHD. I’m trying to learn new things, but I often put in many hours one week followed by none the next three. What happens is that I get really excited to learn so I start strong only to get distracted by other interests soon after which draw me away as I’m just generating steam to take off. If anyone has tips for learning while suffering this challenge, please let me know. I’m open to anything which might help.

    I just learned about Cybr this week through Shannon Morse’s YouTube video about Christmas gifts for techies from December. Just thought I’d throw that in for the Cybr folks curious as to where new members come from. I’m planning to buy the Cross-Site Scripting course (video + ebook) to get started, and if I can stay focused enough to complete it I’ll see what else there is to consume next.

    Christophe replied 3 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Christophe

    May 20, 2021 at 4:08 pm

    Welcome, and thank you for supporting us by purchasing our course!

    I (and I know many others) struggle with similar issues when learning, so you’re not alone! There have been a few things that have helped me stick to my learning goals without getting too distracted:

    1- Create a schedule and stick to it as best you can

    Literally add it to a calendar that will remind you repeatedly. I’ll set an obnoxious amount of reminders because otherwise I’ll see one of the notifications and forget about it seconds later.

    2- Find one or more study partners

    It’s like going to the gym and exercising. Most of us are far more likely to go and stick to our program if we have someone else going with us too. Otherwise we feel like we’re letting them down. Find someone who’s dedicated to learning and who will show up, and add them to those calendar invites you created

    3- I’d like to eventually have a more formal way of doing this, but for now I’m more than happy to help you stick to your learning schedule if you want

    Let me know what your timeline looks like and what your goals are, as well as which courses you’re going after, and I’ll send you reminders over time and/or ask you questions to make sure you’re progressing 🙂

    Hope this helps, and again, welcome to the community! Thrilled to have you here.

  • Randy

    May 28, 2021 at 4:39 pm

    I’m hoping to finally have enough time next week to sit and focus on the XSS course I purchased last week. I’ll try to report here that I’m making progress of that I have questions. Trying to setup a schedule now so I can know I have dedicated time at certain intervals to make some headway and learn something useful. Thanks for taking the time to read and reply, Christophe.

    • Christophe

      June 2, 2021 at 6:15 pm

      Please do keep us posted! I’d love to hear about your progress, and like I said, I’m here if you have any questions!

  • Randy

    September 3, 2021 at 1:14 am

    So months after putting on a front suggesting I’d be working on getting back in to cybersecurity, I’ve finally stepped up and put in some hours. Posted in the Discord general channel about it, but in short – 14 consecutive days so far watching videos on and practicing with nmap scanning and WiFi hacking videos plus setting up my virtual lab and studying Python. I’m committed to putting in the time, and will keep folks updated in Discord. Will try to make Cybr forums a regular check-in as well just to stay in touch with other folks who are new like me.

    • Christophe

      September 3, 2021 at 3:28 pm

      Fantastic! I can’t wait to see your progress reports and help you push forward. Will definitely be on the lookout for those!

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