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Home Page Forums General Discussions Manual vs Automation ? Reply To: Manual vs Automation ?

  • Juan

    April 28, 2021 at 2:40 pm

    I don’t see how using automation or not can be an indicator of an individual’s hacking skills or knowledge as long as the individual understands the logic and concepts behind these tools whether it’s a publicly available tool or a self-made automation script.

    Bug hunting is something many folks do in their spare time or in addition to their regular job, school, or family activities and automation is a great way to aid in those efforts.

    Additionally, @christophe brought up a great point about automation helping to make bug bounty a fiscally responsible activity. Often times payouts come months after a bug is found and reported so finding multiple low paid bounties can be a more financially sustainable way to protect cash flow vs a big payout every few months.

    As someone new to this industry I see phrases like “Real hackers don’t use Kali Linux” or “Real hackers don’t use automation” as gatekeeping and discouraging.

    UItimate the best hackers are the ones that help make the world a safer place while protecting personal information and in some cases preventing the loss of lifes regardless of what tools they use to accomplish that.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by  Juan.