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  • roman

    July 16, 2024 at 6:43 am

    Hello, I am excited to join this community. I am hoping to land a job as a SOC analyst and have been in IT for a few years, with a knowledge of networking and lightly dipped my toe into http and some programming languages. I’m trying to find a platform that walks me through what I need to know a little different than the capture the flags like HTB, and Lets Defend. I’m hoping for something that can give me a good conceptual view to make it easier to grasp the nitty gritty details

    • Where are you on your cybersecurity journey? What is your Current Role? [i.e. student, IT Professional, IT Educator, IT Recruiter, etc.]
    • What is your current Cybersecurity Goal? [i.e.skill-building, Security+ certification or prep for specific job role, etc.]
    • What do you NEED the most “from us” to help you succeed? [i.e. content, resources, courses or support]?
    • What would you like to do to help others succeed in cybersec? [i.e. blog post, create How-To guides, create challenges, etc.?